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Mel Gibson / country USA / audience score 918550 vote / / actor Sophie Marceau / rating 8,4 of 10. Synopsis Braveheart: William Wallace's wife was murdered by the British after killing an English soldier who was about to rape her, and now William is rising to take revenge against the British and King Edward I. William Wallace is a Scottish insurgent who revolts against King Edward I., the ruthless Englishman who wants to take over the Crown of Scotland. When William was a boy, he lost his father, brother and other loved ones who fought for the liberation of Scotland. When he again loses one of his loved ones (his wife) by the British, his anger and hatred reburied and resurrected for Scotland to save his country from the hands of the British forever. Awards list: Won the best Oscar movie of the year Best Oscar winner Best winner of Oscar Won the best sound effect, compilation of Oscar sound effects Wins the best Oscar nominee Winner of Best Director of Golden Globe Film Won Best of BAFTA Film Award Won Best BAFTA Film Award Wins the best design of the BAFTA Film Award Download Link Download Guide To download, click on "Download" and wait for the relevant window to appear, then select the location of the file to be saved and wait until the download ends. If you do not have download management software, it is recommended to download a download manager, especially an internet download manager, to download files. The files placed to download are compressed to reduce volume and get faster, to extract files from the compressed version of Winrar software or similar. The password for opening the compressed file is bitdownload. All the letters should be typed in small and when typing into the EN / FA status of your keyboard note, it is also better to type a password and avoid Copy-Paste. If you encounter a CRC message when exiting the file, you will be logged in if you have entered the correct password. The file has been downloaded corrupted and you have to download it again. Of course, the bulky files have the ability to recover using the Winrar software to enter the Tools menu and select the Repair option to solve the downloaded file problem. Crack files due to the nature of the functionality when used may be detected by antivirus as a malicious file, in which case temporarily disable your antivirus. In the event of a file failure or any problem, you can put your comments in the comments section to address your problem as soon as possible. If the downloaded file or file was obtained after an iso format, you can mount the files using the UltrISO software. Then, go to the path where you saved the files and double-click on it. Or use this software to burn it. If the software requires cracking, crack in the folder with the same name or the ReadMe file you can check out the crack and crack the software.
DICKS OUT FOR WALLACE. Throughout this trailer I can hear soundtracks from Speed1994 lol It also fits this movie though. Braveheart waleczne serce cały film. Braveheart - waleczne serce cda. Braveheart - Waleczne series. As much as I would have loved to see that last battle, this ending, felt right. Braveheart - waleczne serce. This is my personal favorite film ever, and for very good reason. From the acting to the heart wrenchingly powerful drama to the brutal battles to the cinematography to the score to the direction, every single aspect of the film is absolute brilliance, greatness, superb, perfect, there aren't enough good adjectives to describe it. Anyone who doesn't like this film immensely doesn't deserve to live. This is the best movie ever made, and I don't care what anyone else thinks, it just is. Few films have ever even come remotely close, only The Lord of the Rings, Saving Private Ryan, and Gladiator can be compared. I can't believe Mel didn't win the Oscar, nobody as ever deserved it as much as he did for this, at least he got the director one which I couldn't agree with more, this movie deserved all 18 Oscars. I recommend the previous films I stated and Alexander, Troy, King Arthur, and Kingdom of Heaven coming out next year if you are a fan of this, which you unquestionably should be, Rob Roy is just sad and if you think that is anywhere near as good as this then start praying because you are in desperate need of help. I give this movie a 10000000000000000000000 out of a 10 because it truly is that magnificent, this is THE MASTERPIECE, not just a masterpiece, THE MASTERPIECE, this word says it all "FREEDOM.
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This is my moms ringtone when she calls my dad. Braveheart waleczne serce. Braveheart - Waleczne série le. Braveheart - Waleczne série. Churchill said once, Greeks don't fight like heros, heroes fight like greeks, skotishs too especially Wallace I am Greek, and I love my compatriots skotishs.
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Could someone tell me that sheet for brave heart in letters? Because I can't read the music notes. Braveheart - Waleczne serge. Braveheart waleczne serce cały film lektor pl cda. For gods sake Scotland, do the right thing and leave UK! The English have shown there true colours once more. 0:5 track name please. Melancholic. Braveheart - Waleczne série 1.
Time to update the 'quality' lads. Braveheart - Waleczne server. Braveheart waleczne serce zwiastun. Braveheart - waleczne serce podobne filmy. Braveheart waleczne serce cda lektor pl. First of all i want say that i loved murron,she is so beautiful and i loved romance between. MelGibson andCatherine McCormack their romance i loved it has great adventure and plot William Wallace said in the end FREEDOM i got countless gossebumps it was really a great scene to watch that he did not begged but instead he put his head up for his great country and beheaded as a live sir William Wallace he is true has great soundtracks and they are so much William Wallace was a great true patriot i have discovered did not surrendered in front of enemies but he stood tall and screamed for FREEEEDDDDDDOOOOMMMM.
" Every man dies and not every man lives."Great lines.
"I want a home,children and peace but these are all nothing if we don't have a freedom" it man.
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Braveheart 1995 waleczne serce. Braveheart - Waleczne série 2.
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Braveheart - waleczne serce / braveheart (1995) lektor pl. One of the greatest moments and greatest speeches in film history right here. Right as Im going to sleep I get the notification, damnit Patrik, looks like Im staying up for a few more minutes Edit: apparently this was uploaded 15 hours ago but I just got the notification, thanks youtube. Braveheart waleczne serce lektor pl. Im not being funny but the Scots did have some good ideas 😂. Braveheart waleczne serce film cda. Braveheart - Waleczne serce. Braveheart waleczne serce zalukaj. Una de las mejores películas q he visto. ❤️❤️❤️y una por las q lloro cada ves que la veo😭😭😭😇😇. Braveheart waleczne serce part 1 cda.
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Esta escena me llenó de satisfacción. Me dio pena sólo por el caballo
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Columnist Nyasha Junior
Biography: Religion professor & author (she/her)
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